International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry 2015

장소: 한국, 부산

개최일정: 2015. 08. 06 – 14

주관기관: Korean Chemical Society

  • 발표논문명: Characterization and Optimization of Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia for Thin Film Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

저자명: Gu Young Cho, Seungtak Noh, Yoon Ho Lee, Soon Wook Hong, Jihwan An, Young-Beom Kim, Suk Won Cha

발표형태: 포스터

발표일자: 2015. 08. 11.

  • 발표논문명: Performance Decrease from the Transformation of Flow-Channels in Bendable Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell

저자명: Taehyun Park, Ikwhang Chang, Jinhwan Lee, Seung Hwan Ko, Suk Won Cha

발표형태: 포스터

발표일자: 2015. 08. 13.