NANO KOREA 2015 Symposium, The 13th International Nanotech Symposium & Nano Convergence Expo

장소: 한국, 서울

개최일정: 2015. 7. 01 – 03

주관기관: 나노기술연구협의회,나노융합산업연구조합, 미래창조과학부, 산업통상자원부

  • 발표논문명: The role of anodic aluminum oxide to enhance thermo-mechanical stability of solid oxide fuel cell cathodes

저자명: Yeageun Lee, Joonho Park, Gu Young Cho, Ikwhang Chang, Wonjong Yu,Suk Won Cha

발표형태: 포스터

발표일자: 2015. 7. 01.