장소: 미국, Hawaii
개최일정: 2016. 10. 02 – 07
주관기관: Electrochemical Society (ECS), The Electrochemical Society of Japan (ECSJ), and The Korean Electrochemical Society (KECS)
- 발표논문명: Stability and Performance Investigation of Co-Sputtered Ni Cermet Thin Films at Reduced Temperature
저자명: Yeageun Lee, Wonjong Yu, Yoon Ho Lee, Yusung Kim, Suk Won Cha
발표형태: 구두
발표일자: 2016. 10. 04
- 발표논문명: Effect of PEALD YSZ on Bi-Layered Electrolyte with Nanoscale Structure
저자명: Wonjong Yu, Suk Won Cha, Gu Young Cho, Soonwook Hong, Yeageun Lee, Jihwan An
발표형태: 구두
발표일자: 2016. 10. 05